Hot - Cold Meal Distribution Trolley

Product Code: OPT.MED.S.30-1/3

- IP-65 protected USB port 

- IP-65 protected ethernet port 

- Wireless WI-FI communication system 

- Internal battery helps to collect data when the trolley is not plugged. 

- Data storage for one year in the memory. 

- Data transfer from the USB memory stick, cable connection or wireless connection to software MED-SOFT in the main computer. 

- Battery and date information display on the screen. 

- Adress and the department information of the trolley display on the screen. 

- Hot compartment temperature can be adjustable between +50°C ile +100°C 

- Cold compartment temperature can be adjustable between 0°C and +6°C. - 4 cycle programs can be adjustable with the required temperature and time. 

- Tray Size: 575x325 mm 

- Tray Type: Gn 1/2 - Gn 1/3

- Power: 5.6-1.3 kW

CodeDescriptionDimensionWeightNet Tray Capacity
OPT.MED.S.30-1/3Hot - Cold Meal Distribution Trolley811x1139x16192151.5030